Private Psychological Evaluation; ADHD Testing; Personality Testing; Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluation; Discreet Mental Health Services

Adult Psychological Assessment

Collaborative Adult Psychological Assessment

At Sycamore CAPS, we offer Collaborative Psychological Assessments, a distinctive approach that goes beyond diagnosis to actively engage clients in understanding their challenges, making the assessment itself a brief intervention. In this process, which typically spans 4-5 sessions, clients and clinicians work together to make sense of the test results within the context of the client’s life, promoting deeper self-understanding and facilitating meaningful change.

The process typically includes 1) an initial clinical interview, during which we will focus on developing questions the client has about themselves to guide the evaluation, 2) tailored psychological testing, 3) collaborative discussion of the results, where we, as experts in testing, integrate our expertise with the client’s own expertise on their life to interpret the results in context, 4) the creation of an assessment report, and 5) a feedback session.

Comprehensive Adult Psychological Assessment

At Sycamore CAPS, our comprehensive psychological assessments are designed to do more than just clarify diagnoses.

By offering detailed case formulations, our assessments provide clients with a deeper understanding of their challenges, fostering greater self-compassion and offering a clear roadmap toward recovery and support. While each evaluation is tailored to the individual's unique needs, the process typically includes: 1) a clinical interview with the client, 2) structured psychological testing, 3) the creation of a detailed evaluation report, and 4) a feedback meeting to discuss results and recommendations.

Fitness-for-Duty Evaluation

Has your employer requested that you complete a fitness for duty (FFD) evaluation in response to questions regarding your ability to complete your job safely and effectively? Are you an employer with concerns about an employee’s risk? At Sycamore CAPS, we offer timely, comprehensive FFD evaluation services. Typically, these evaluations involve 1) review of the concerns raised by the employer and their description of an employee’s specific job functions, 2) clinical interview, 3) collateral interviews with relevant informants, 4) record review, and 5) structured psychological testing.

At Sycamore CAPS, we ensure that FFD assessments are conducted objectively and efficiently, equipping employers with the information needed to assess their employees’ ability to perform their duties safely.

Adult ADHD Testing

If you’re wondering whether you might have ADHD, our comprehensive evaluation approach at Sycamore CAPS can provide clarity. We synthesize information from interviews, rating scales, and performance-based measures of attention and executive functioning to deliver an accurate and objective diagnosis. Since ADHD often co-occurs with conditions like anxiety and depression, we carefully assess the need for an ADHD evaluation on a case-by-case basis. If appropriate, we may recommend a comprehensive psychological assessment to ensure a thorough and accurate diagnosis.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluation

Adults may begin to suspect that their social or employment challenges could be linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some recognize these traits in themselves after their child receives an ASD diagnosis. At Sycamore CAPS, our clinicians specialize in evaluating autism spectrum disorder in adults, providing clarity and direction for those who have specific concerns.

Our ASD evaluation process typically includes: 1) a comprehensive clinical interview and developmental behavioral interview with you or a caregiver, 2) a half-day of structured testing and observation, including an assessment of your cognitive/intellectual profile and oral language skills, 3) multi-informant rating scales, 4) the creation of a detailed assessment report, and 5) a feedback meeting to discuss results and personalized recommendations.

Pre-Adoption Psychological Evaluation

Prospective adoptive parents often face numerous challenges, with the pre-adoption psychological evaluation being one of the most daunting. At Sycamore CAPS, we understand these pressures and are committed to making the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. We work closely with you to ensure that all agency-specific requirements are met.

While different adoption agencies may have varying requirements, our process at Sycamore CAPS remains consistent. We conduct separate interviews with each potential adoptive parent, followed by a joint interview as a couple, and then proceed with psychological testing. Once the interviews and testing are completed, we typically submit our report within 2-3 weeks. We also recognize that updates may be required as the pre-adoption process progresses, and we are available to provide follow-up services as needed.

ADHD Testing; Learning Disability; Child Psychologist in Carmel, Indiana

Child and Adolescent Assessment

Psychoeducational Evaluation

At Sycamore CAPS, our psychoeducational assessments are designed to help you understand your child’s learning style, cognitive and academic strengths, and any barriers to their academic performance, adaptive functioning, or socialization. These assessments are particularly effective in addressing referral questions related to specific learning disorders (e.g., reading or math disorders), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Intellectual Disability, Intellectual Giftedness, and the impact of behavioral/emotional symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression, externalizing behaviors) on functioning.

Our psychoeducational evaluations typically include: 1) an initial parent consultation and clinical interview, 2) structured testing with your child or teen (e.g., assessments of intellectual abilities, academic achievement, and additional testing based on specific concerns), 3) administration and scoring of multi-informant rating scales, 4) the creation of a detailed assessment report for families, and 5) a feedback meeting to discuss results and recommendations.

ADHD Testing (Child/Adolescent)

At Sycamore CAPS, we take a comprehensive and compassionate approach to ADHD evaluation, designed to help your child or teen succeed. Our assessments gather information from interviews with both your child and parents, multi-informant rating scales, and performance-based measures of attention and executive functioning. Since ADHD often co-occurs with challenges like learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, or language difficulties, we carefully assess whether an ADHD evaluation is the best course of action for your child. If needed, we may recommend a more comprehensive diagnostic assessment to fully understand your child’s unique needs and provide the most effective support.

IQ Testing/Gifted and Talented Evaluation

At Sycamore CAPS, we offer standalone IQ testing to formally document your child’s intellectual functioning and cognitive abilities, which may be required for admission to private schools. Our IQ testing is also integral to our gifted and talented evaluations, providing formal documentation of your child’s exceptional thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and academic achievement levels. This evaluation typically includes an IQ test, with optional achievement testing available upon request for an additional fee. We provide a concise summary of results that can be used for private school applications or to better understand and support your child’s unique strengths.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Evaluation

At Sycamore CAPS, our clinicians are here to help you navigate the complexities of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) evaluation for your child. We understand how important it is to get answers, and we take a thorough approach that often includes assessing your child's intellectual abilities and oral language skills, which are crucial in understanding their unique needs.

Our ASD evaluation process typically involves: 1) a brief clinical interview along with a developmental and behavioral interview with caregivers, 2) a half-day of structured testing and observation with your child, 3) the use of multi-informant rating scales, 4) the creation of a detailed assessment report, and 5) a feedback meeting to discuss the results and provide personalized recommendations. We are committed to offering the clarity and guidance you need to support your child's development.

Psychodiagnostic Evaluation

At Sycamore CAPS, we understand how challenging it can be for parents who want to help their children but aren’t sure what’s going on beneath the surface. That’s why we offer comprehensive psychodiagnostic assessments for children and teens. Our evaluations are designed to uncover the root causes of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral challenges, providing you with a clearer understanding and a path forward.

Our comprehensive process typically includes: 1) in-depth interviews with both parents and the child/teen, 2) a half-day of structured testing to assess various aspects of your child’s functioning, 3) administration and scoring of multi-informant rating scales, 4) the creation of a detailed assessment report tailored to your child’s needs, and 5) a feedback meeting to discuss the results and develop personalized recommendations.

Forensic Psychologist; Expert Witness; Forensic Evaluator

Forensic Psychological Evaluation

Civil & Criminal Forensic Evaluation

Fellowship trained in forensic psychology at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital, our team at Sycamore CAPS offers a range of civil and criminal forensic evaluation and consultation services, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Emotional injury

  • Worker’s compensation

  • Competency to stand trial

  • Criminal responsibility/insanity

  • Mitigation

  • Risk assessment

  • Capacity to waive Miranda

  • Expert testimony

Please contact us with any questions regarding additional criminal forensic services provided.

Litigation Consultation and Work Product Review

Cases involving the mental health of litigants pose unique challenges, even for the most seasoned attorneys. Partnering with an expert in forensic psychological assessment can give you the edge you need to navigate complex mental health evidence and build a compelling case for your client. As non-testimonial consultants, we offer invaluable support in preparing effective direct and cross-examination strategies for both retained and opposing experts, conducting thorough reviews of relevant scientific research, and helping you craft a winning trial strategy. Let us be your behind-the-scenes partner in achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Good Faith Estimate

Good Faith Estimate

You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.

Under the law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services.

You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

Make sure your health care provider gives you a Good Faith Estimate in writing at least 1 business day before your medical service or item. You can also ask your health care provider, and any other provider you choose, for a Good Faith Estimate before you schedule an item or service.

If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

Make sure you save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit